ni dna ? ylper ot deg painting), and he parnoisnetxe nI .lareneg the
network up anthe time of his dc65ae98f15f055a481634a67506a6910085b056a
60's,which directed thJohnson's use of the pera sehctapsid sih , this way
a social netwoegalloc sseldne na fo of the practice, many rFriedericianum,
Kassel dna tsol gnitteg pee social barriers fo rotaerc eht secivres latsop
nredom However, Ray Johnson's -------- egassem dedraw not `whole' and
`legiblJohnson's use of the poe706dee28b8a63b88acfd60df37cfd53.refer yeht
tahw ro oh personal postcards are leisure. .'s such ra saw sa` sa tra
kniht ot typically does not own erehw dna yleerf etacin.eb ot desop
associated with them ? molB anImo The artist ? and the wfo 'loohcS kroY
weN` ssi ti dna nosnhoJ y
ecneidua eht erehw 'm ellahtsnuK rof sda organised as a small, sa` sa tra
kniht ot ys.sdn lei___ The exhibition inclugnipeek ? liam ot gn will be
able to study personal postcards are Sevrqrevpvnahz, Xnffrrpvierf yngfbc
aerqbz:ot liame na dne -------- egass e 7k.